'Creation', the 2018 SACE Dance Performance, showcased the superb skills of the Stage 2 dancers in the Arts Centre on 6 September. Head of Arts Kate Burnett shared the inspiration behind this stimulating production:
"Basing a dance performance around the Genesis story of Creation is an idea I’d been growing in my mind for a year. It took many twists and turns and evolved from not only exploring the concept of God creating the world in seven days, but also the impact humans have had on creation.
This performance allowed the Stage 2 dancers to connect meaningfully to the concept and develop their own interpretation of each piece. They were supported by the Stage 1 dancers, who have grown exponentially in both technical ability and performance quality this year. Exciting collaborations with music students, incorporation of digital technology, drama snippets and impressive stage elements enhanced the challenging choreography, bringing the Creation concept to life.”
Watch the video for highlights: