Monthly Archives: June 2019

ELC News – Week 9, Term 2 2019

From the Director of Early Learning

Dear Families
Kate Mount

The half way mark of a year always makes us reflect – the year is half over, have we achieved what we intended and what plans do we have for the second part of the year? The answer is yes, we have achieved what we intended and I will list the areas below to give greater clarity:

  1. The implementation of our Learning Community model has been successfully embedded across the centre, with feedback from families and staff informing us that this model is indeed working for them. The benefits are endless, but in particular we have achieved a much improved flow to our day, and offered our children differentiated and diverse learning experiences both indoors and outdoors in a variety of grouping options.
  2. The ELC continuously maintains a high level of academic rigor for both staff and students as well as placing student wellbeing at the centre of all that we do.
  3. Our values written in our ELC mission are holding us true to our everyday practice, embedding an open-minded and optimistic mindset, and ensuring we are inclusive in our practice and upholding respectful relationships across the centre.
  4. The teachers are receiving outstanding professional learning opportunities offered by the school with 9 ELC staff travelling to Perth these upcoming holidays for the Reggio Emilia Conference held by REAIE. In addition, we have worked with two independent consultants during the year and represented South Australia at the Project Quattro Conference. Mel Angel attended the Reggio Emilia Study Tour and led professional learning for the entire staff upon her return.

These successes have enabled us to deepen the foundation upon which we build our practice and theory. This then transpires into daily life for your children ensuring the quality of education is the highest it can be, catering for all of the essential areas of development in the early years.

Moving forward we aim to continue deepening our strong foundation. We believe that change needs time, reflection and ongoing research to ensure its success. We are excited about the future as we begin to see more and more positive gains from our courageous transformation.

Farewell to our Mid-Year Reception Families

This time of year brings such exciting opportunities for our girls starting school in July. Most of these girls have been with us from either Playgroup or as 2 year olds. Their time in the ELC has celebrated their childhood and we are so fortunate to have partnered with families throughout their journeys.

We wish you all a wonderful and effective transition into your next chapter and look forward to many visits. Thank you for your contributions to our ELC community.

Centre Operations During Holiday Period

Vacation Care begins on Monday 1 July. During this time Henrietta Balnaves and Danni Capaldo will be running the centre. The school holiday period extends for three weeks with Term 2 commencing on Tuesday 23 July . Please ensure you have filled out your Vacation Care booking form if you require care.

I wish you all a wonderful holiday period as you spend time with your families.

Kate Mount
Director of Early Learning


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Professional Learning in the ELC

The ELC is committed to continuous professional learning for all its staff members, building a supportive and engaged community focused on lifelong learning and ensuring each educator has the most up-to-date skills and knowledge. Watch our video below to see the rich learning our team members have experienced so far this year.

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Save the Date

Monday 1 July: Vacation Care begins
Tuesday 23 July: Term 3 begins

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Vacation Care Bookings

Vacation Care begins next week on Monday 1 July. If you require care for your child and haven’t made a booking, you can download the booking form here.

Please note that we have a three week break commencing on 1 July, and Term 3 begins on Tuesday 23 July.

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Mid-Year Reception Transition Visits

Over the past four weeks, the Hallett friends who will be starting school next term have undergone their Mid-Year Reception Transition Visits. They have spent three mornings in their new classroom, meeting their new teacher Mrs Sarah Lane, and the Head of Junior School Ms Suzanne Haddy and preparing for the ELC Hat Ceremony. These transition visits are such a valuable and important process for the children, as you can see from the video below.

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ELC Hat Ceremony

‘Congratulations! Today is your day.
You’re off to great places! You’re off and away!’
– Dr Seuss

At St Peter’s Girls’ Early Learners’ Centre we are committed to ensuring that any child leaving our community has a smooth transition to their new environment. We feel this is an essential part of a child’s foundation to their education. We aim to work in partnership with the new educational setting where information is communicated to the educators to provide a seamless transition for both the child and their family.

Next term, a group of Learning Community 2 girls will be joining the St Peter’s Girls’ Reception community on the Junior School campus. Many of the girls’ journey at St Peter’s Girls first began when they attended playgroup as a young toddler or in Learning Community 1. Over the last few weeks the girls have been reminiscing about the special times that they have had throughout their time at the ELC and the special friendships that they have made along the way. The girls have engaged in transition visits where they have had the privilege of meeting their new school teacher, Mrs Sarah Lane. Transition visits are extremely important for the children to familiarise themselves with their new environment, teacher and peers. It is also a wonderful opportunity for the children to have time to discover school life and begin to recognise new expectations.

The ELC children are formally welcomed into the St Peter’s Girls’ School Community at a school assembly and presented with a very special gift from a member of the senior leadership team. When communicating with parents and families of children involved in this presentation in the past they have placed high importance on the sense of community and belonging that this gives the children when entering a new environment. Children and families’ sense of belonging in a setting is strengthened by the transition practices that identify and place the child at the forefront.

On Monday 24 June, the Mid-Year Reception girls, along with a group of their peers and teachers attended the school assembly, another component in their transition journey to school. Ms Suzanne Haddy, Head of Junior School presented the girls with their special gift of a school bag and hat to celebrate their transition to school. We were thrilled to share this special moment with them and as you can see by the photographs the children were beaming with pride. We wish all girls a wonderful start to school next term and look forward to hearing more about their continued journey at St Peter’s Girls’ School.

Kirsty Porplycia
Assistant Director of Early Learning

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End of Term Morning Tea

End of Term Morning Tea

Thank you to everyone who joined us this morning for a special End of Term Morning Tea. The weather was spectacular and it’s always fantastic to see the rich connections being made within our community.

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Enrolments for 2020

At St Peter’s Girls’ Early Learners’ Centre, we are currently working on our enrolments for 2020. As such, please advise us if you plan on making changes to your enrolment status, including not returning, or if you require additional days. Please note: whilst we make every endeavour to meet the needs of our families, we cannot guarantee that we will be able to accommodate every request as places are limited.

Should there be any changes to your enrolment status, please advise us in writing to Sarah Elliott, ELC Enrolments and Finance Officer, via by Friday 28 June 2019. Any requests for change of days or additional days received after this date will be placed on a waitlist.

Please also note that the ELC requires a full term’s notice from those who are not returning to the ELC in 2020.

If you have any questions regarding our programs, attendance days or any other concerns, please do not hesitate to contact Sarah Elliott on 8334 2271 and she will be happy to assist.

Kate Mount
Director of Early Learning

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从7月1日起,我们的假期日托班又开始了。在此期间,Henrietta Balnaves 和Danni Capaldo将会负责ELC假期日托班的各项事宜。此次假期日托班一共三周的时间。7月23日,第三学期开始。请家长朋友们尽快填写假期日托班表格并递交给我们的老师们。


如果小朋友需要离开ELC,请家长朋友们提早一个学期告知我们学校。如果有任何出行或者其他安排计划请提早给Sarah Elliott发邮件 .




Emma works in Learning Community 2 on Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays from 9am – 5pm, and Jade works 11am – 6pm every day in Learning Community 1.

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Learning Community 1

News from the Stonyfell Room

Stonyfell Room

The end of a term is an opportunity to reflect on what we have experienced as a group of people who live a portion of their lives together. There has been a combination of special events and the activities of our daily life that have excited, inspired, challenged and nurtured us. Some highlights were welcoming our Mothers and Special Friends for a beautiful afternoon tea event, and witnessing our flags being raised for the first time during Reconciliation Week. We were especially proud to be the first ELC to fly the Aboriginal Flag and it was a privilege to have Tamaru share his culture with us by performing a smoking ceremony and giving a Welcome to Country.

In the Stonyfell Room we welcomed a new team member, Miss Emily Downie, who has brought her imagination and creativity to curating a beautiful and welcoming space for us to enjoy every morning. We have watched with pride the children grow and transform, each of them bringing their unique presence to our group and, in doing so, giving us our identity as a learning community. We are so appreciative of what they bring to us as educators to shape our growth and transformation as well.

We will farewell six of our friends as they move across to Learning Community 2 – Angelique, Armelle, Barrett, Zoe, Maddie K and Maia. We will miss you but we are excited to see you move to a new stage of your life. We thank all of your families for what you have brought to our daily life. Next term we are welcoming new friends and another chapter will begin!

We have been busy organising documentation for the children’s Portfolios. This includes information about our research, our observations of work that has been done by the children, photographs and art work. We invite you to share these with your child and celebrate their achievements.

We would like to thank you all for participating in the life of our school through your interactions with us, your support and the time you give to us. We value our connection with you as a family and look forward to more conversations next term. In the meantime we wish you a safe and happy July, and we hope you enjoy our vacation care program and your time at home with your child.

Mel Angel

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News from the Bell Yett Room

Bell Yett Room

A celebration of us

There are mixed emotions in the air for the educators in the Bell Yett room and Learning Community 1 as we approach the end of the semester. We are preparing to farewell a group of very special friends as they transition to Learning Community 2, about to embark on their next ELC journey. Their transition is full of excitement and new opportunity, but we will miss having them by our side each day.

The last couple of weeks have been a celebration of ‘us’ in the Bell Yett room and across Learning Community 1. We have been reflecting on the huge amount of learning that has taken place over the past two terms and have celebrated our Gardening and Kaurna Culture inquiries and the connection we have created with Ferguson Park. We have reflected on our cooking and baking experiences with Miss Capaldo, dance days with Miss Sims and all we have learnt about emotions with Miss Brown and Miss Connolly. Entering Term 2 we focused on what democracy skills are present in our everyday, and what we can grow. Evident to us on a daily basis was the strong presence of awareness and respect our children have for one another, social skills key to creating a strong foundation for which to grow close relationships.

Educator alongside child, we have grown an inclusive and special family in the Bell Yett room. We have our own stories, our own songs, our own rituals and our own special and unique interactions. We know our children and their families, and we treasure these relationships. We have connections to Ferguson Park, the Kaurna culture and our learning. But our strongest connections, and what we seek the most, is the company of one another.

During our transition visits, many of our friends moving to Learning Community 2 have insisted that they will still see us during their ELC days, evidence of their strong sense of community that spreads beyond the intimate space of the Bell Yett room and across the whole ELC. We are ready to welcome a group of new friends into the Bell Yett room and Learning Community 1, excited to introduce them to our community and looking for opportunities to deepen our understandings of the strengths of a mixed age group. As educators in our ELC, one of our deepest values is to foster the feeling of belonging to community amongst our new children and their families.

The feeling of belonging is evident in our everyday. Upon our departures of Ferguson Park, we sing a song in Kaurna which translates to:

Hello, how are you?
Hello, how are you?

I am good,
I am good.

Where do you go?
Where do you go?

I’m going home,
I’m going home.

Last Friday as we walked back to the ELC, Spencer pondered the ‘I’m going home’, going on to confirm ‘that’s the Bell Yett room, isn’t it’.

Annabelle Redmond

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Learning Community 2

News from the Ferguson Room

Ferguson Room

Democratic Participation – What does this look like in our everyday life at ELC?

Term 2 has provided us with a wonderful opportunity to focus our thinking and support the children to work together in a democratic way.

When we hear the word ‘democracy’ it can be hard to think how it correlates into early childhood.

We as the educators have been thinking about this value for a long time and it is often an area, we discuss in our meetings together when planning for your children.  We live in a democratic society and being part of this way of life brings about certain ways of thinking and skills we can implement to be active citizens. Every day we are part of an array of democratic processes and for most of us these values shape our lives. Our ELC environment offers us many ways to explore democracy and to support your children to build on their skills that hopefully will support them as they move forward in their lives and through their educational journey.

What does this look like in the ELC? This term the children have been exploring and engaging with Ferguson Park both in the ELC and in the park itself. This is their passion and motivation and through this ongoing research together the educators have been able to support democratic thinking and action. For example:

Workings in collaboration with each other: The children have been working in small groups to create information books about Ferguson Park. The work that has gone into these books will be used to inform the creation of one book to share with the community.

Working on a group task with a shared goal in mind: An example of this was inviting the children to work together to construct one Wodli in the park.

Building the skills to listen to and respect the voice of others: Through their documentation of the park the children have been sharing their ideas, thoughts and knowledge of this space. They have been supported to take turns sharing, to actively listen and to think whether these ideas could build on their own.

Making group decisions: The children have been exploring the concept of taking a vote to make a decision and then to respect this result. The children have been building on their understanding of the rules involved in this process and the importance of making it fair.

This is a value that we place a huge amount of emphasis on at the ELC and you can see how your child has been involved by looking through their portfolio and reading their summative assessment also located in their portfolio. This is an area that we will be constantly and actively engaging with and we hope it provokes your thinking and offers you a chance to reflect on the importance of these values and see the  lifelong skills we are developing every day.

Laura Reiters

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News from the Hallett Room

Hallett Room

Throughout the term the children have been involved in a range of ongoing projects, each one slightly different but all connected by the common thread of stories. The removal of the large gum tree from the Hallett Garden became a vehicle for the children to develop and share their empathetic and ecological thinking.

Through democratic participation, the children have thought carefully and selected the invitation that ignited passion within them:

  • How can we remember the tree?
  • Can we communicate to the tree and the animals that live in it?
  • What language would we use?
  • How could the tree and the animals receive the messages?
  • How old do we think the tree is?
  • What stories could the tree tell us?

Each question supported the children with opportunities to develop the skills needed to communicate and collaborate in a democratic learning community as they worked alongside their peers. The children engaged with a variety of languages through which they were able to create permanent memories of the tree. Through sculpture, painting, photography, dance, drawing and storytelling, they began to understand that art and stories are a way of capturing our memories forever.

Whilst we encouraged the children to return to projects regularly, to deepen their understandings, they were free to move between them, sharing and creating new perspectives. As the children connected with each experience, the thread of the story grew and a common narrative was created. This will live on in the story of ‘The Twisty Tree’.

We invite you to celebrate your children’s learning with them through:

  • Entering our Atelier to see the memorials to the tree created by the children
  • Asking your children to share with you the story of ‘The Twisty Tree’
  • Sharing your children’s experiences captured in their portfolios.

This week we farewell a group of friends who are heading off to Reception. We wish them well as they continue their learning journeys equipped with the values and skills needed to be confident and involved learners. After the holiday break we welcome new families and children transitioning from Learning Community 1. We look forward to greeting them and you on Tuesday 23 July.

Nell Tierney and Leanne Williams

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ELC News – Week 6, Term 2 2019

From the Director of Early Learning

Dear Families
Kate Mount

At St Peter’s Girls’ Early Learners’ Centre, reconciliation is a part of our daily practice. Living by values such as compassion and inclusion, we work intentionally to find the similarities in our human race and celebrate the diversity of who we are and the different stories we have. Last week in the ELC, we marked the significance of Reconciliation Week in our culture by raising three flags – an Australian flag, an Aboriginal flag and a Torres Strait Islander flag – and participating in a traditional smoking ceremony with our Kaurna elder Tamaru. We have installed three flagpoles within the grounds of the ELC to serve as a daily reminder of our identity.

As part of the School’s Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP), a group of senior students wanted to fly the three flags alongside some of our ELC friends during the smoking ceremony. We have worked in partnership with the students to make this a reality, and the significance of this moment with the flags really demonstrates the whole School’s understanding and acknowledgement of this important week. In addition, the ELC has written its own Reconciliation Action Plan and this sits alongside the School’s plan.

In the ELC, we are teaching the children the Kaurna language and heritage. The children enjoy learning another language, and love the sounds of the words and the connections they can make to their beautiful Ferguson Park. This is the place where the language is made real for them, as it is within this context that they truly begin to understand the significance of our land and what it can teach them.

We believe we have a responsibility to be at the forefront of reconciliation, educating our youngest students and their families alongside ourselves. We are taught everything we know from our Kaurna elders, in particular Tamaru, whom we have developed a strong relationship with. Tamaru is now a significant part of our ELC community and believes that working side-by-side in an authentic way will have a significant impact on the future for the next generation. As the adults in their lives, we have a responsibility to have an open dialogue with our children, educating them as they grow and deepening their understanding of the culture, land and world they are growing up in.

It has been an honour standing in Ferguson Park each morning last week, listening to each group of children and educators confidently recite the Acknowledgement to Country in Kaurna. We know we have created something very special in our ELC by embedding reconciliation into our daily practice, and we recognise that these values of reconciliation and compassion are paramount.

Please watch our video below to see a glimpse of these special moments and meaningful connections.

Kate Mount
Director of Early Learning

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Save the Date

Monday 10 June: Public Holiday (ELC closed)
Monday 24 June: ELC Hat Ceremony
Monday 1 July: Vacation Care begins

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Late Pick Ups

It has come to my attention that a few families are collecting their children late from the ELC. The ELC closes at 6pm. Please be advised that this is a very important operational factor that must be adhered to.

I ask that families ensure they enter the ELC no later than 5.55pm in order to allow the time required to sign out, collect your child and their belongings and exchange information about your child’s day. The doors officially close at 6pm sharp.

Kate Mount
Director of Early Learning

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Vacation Care Bookings

Vacation Care booking forms will be sent home this week. If you haven’t received yours, you can download the form here.

Please note that we have a three week break commencing on 1 July, and Term 3 begins on Tuesday 23 July.

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Mid-Year Reception Transition Visits

Mid-Year Reception Transition Visits

This week, the Hallett friends who will be starting school next term began their Mid-Year Reception Transition Visits. They spent the morning in their new classroom, meeting their new teacher and Ms Haddy, the Head of Junior School. These transition visits are such a valuable and important process for the children, and we look forward to showing you their journey in the coming weeks.

Kate Mount
Director of Early Learning

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Warm Clothing for our Park Visits

Dessing for Winter

Each week, we spend time in Ferguson Park. As the cold weather is already upon us, please ensure your child has appropriate clothing and shoes on their ELC attendance days. This includes a warm jacket, pants or leggings, and closed shoes or boots. The children love being outdoors; it is so good for their learning and wellbeing!

Thank you.

ELC Team

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Welcome to our New Staff

New Staff

This term, we have welcomed two new staff to our ELC community: Emily Downie in Learning Community 1 and Josh Romeo in Learning Community 2. Emily has a Diploma of Early Childhood Learning and brings 10 years’ experience working within childcare centres in private schools, and Joshua has a Bachelor of Early Childhood Learning. Please join us in welcoming them into our special community, and feel free to ask them any questions you might have.

Kate Mount
Director of Early Learning

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ELC Ladies’ Day Out

Ladies Day Out

Every year, we come together to enjoy a fabulous Ladies’ Day Out and this year was no exception. Two buses headed off to Golding Winery last Sunday, and although the sun wasn’t shining, there was certainly nothing but joy among the group. We celebrated community, friendship and our common purpose – the children!

We were blessed with a beautiful venue that accommodated our group. We enjoyed a delicious lunch and wonderful raffle prizes that were shared among many. Thank you to everyone who donated a prize to this day.

The Friends of the ELC did a fabulous job organising everything to make the day such a success. Thank you to this amazing group of volunteers who fuel our community with their fabulous events.

We had such a lovely time and we hope you can join us next year!

Friends of the ELC

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Tree Removal

As families are aware, the tree in the Hallett Garden at the front of the ELC has been sectioned off since October as a safety precaution. After much deliberation with Burnside Council, we have collectively agreed upon a safe and sustainable method to remove the tree. This will be actioned by the council on Saturday 8 June. The children are aware of this, and have taken the time to thank and farewell the tree.

We thank you for your understanding as we have facilitated these important safety works over the past months.

Kate Mount
Director of Early Learning

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End of Term Morning Tea

End of Term Morning Tea

In celebration of the end of another fantastic term, the Friends of the ELC would like to invite you to join us for a coffee and croissant morning tea on Thursday 27 June at 8.30am. We hope you can join us in building strong connections between our families and the ELC community.

Friends of the ELC

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Friends of the ELC Community Garden

ELC Community Garden

The Friends of the ELC are fundraising to improve and extend the ELC outdoor learning space by creating a Community Garden for harvesting fruits, vegetables and herbs.

You can help us by generously donating any of the following:

  • A monetary gift to help us purchase equipment
  • Your time to help with gardening
  • Any expertise you may have in this field
  • Any gardening equipment (e.g. pavers, gardening vouchers, tools, etc.)

There will be a donation box in the ELC foyer. Thank you for your support!

Friends of the ELC

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Saints Girls has arrived on Instagram!

Saints Girls has arrived on Instagram

St Peter’s Girls is proud to launch our newest social media offering to celebrate our wonderful community.

We look forward to sharing exciting images and cutting-edge videos showcasing life at Saints Girls. Be a part of the action and follow us via @stpetersgirlsschool or by clicking here.

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Accessing your Child’s Canvas Page

Your child’s Canvas homepage is a dynamic online sharing space that invites you to participate in your child’s learning as it happens. It provides a window into your child’s life at the ELC as educators share intentional teaching, specialist lessons and spontaneous moments.

We can share videos and images directly with parents that capture the rich learning experiences in which your child is engaged throughout their time at the ELC. The Canvas home page also enables us to share more of the process of learning, rather than just the end product.

Your child’s Canvas page is accessed through the myLink Parent Portal. If you have not accessed myLink or your child’s Canvas page before, please follow these instructions:

Accessing myLink for the first time:

  • Visit
  • To set your first password, click the link below the sign in section
  • Enter your username, click ‘Next’
  • On the next screen, enter the security code emailed to you
  • Enter the password you would like to use and press submit
  • Return to the login screen at to access myLink
  • Several instructional videos are available via the Welcome page if you click on the ‘HELP’ menu tab.

Accessing Canvas through the myLink parent portal:

  • Access myLink as per above instructions
  • Click on the ‘MYLINK HOME’ tab
  • Click on your child’s name tab
  • Under ‘Class Contacts’ click on the ELC room name (you may need to enter your parent username and password again)

If you have any problems accessing or navigating myLink, please contact the IT Helpdesk via 8334 2227 or

Photo Etiquette:
Please note that your child’s Canvas home page and Portfolio will contain some images and video footage of other children. We therefore ask that you do not copy or share images or videos, especially on social media, if they contain other children.

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在ELC我们会向小朋友教授土著语言和土著文化。小朋友们十分喜爱学习土著语言。这样的学习过程,让他们深刻体会Ferguson Park和他们生活的这片土地与他们日常学习息息相关。也正是这样美好的衔接,让他们明白这片土地是他们重要的学习源泉之一。






Emma works in Learning Community 2 on Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays from 9am – 5pm, and Jade works 11am – 6pm every day in Learning Community 1.

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Learning Community 1

News from the Stonyfell Room

Stonyfell Room

How do we bring an awareness of Reconciliation Week to very young children? As citizens of our community and our country, they have the right to know what is happening in their world. All week, we have been engaged in special activities that highlight reconciliation between all Australians, recognising that Aboriginal people deserve our complete commitment to walking together in a respectful relationship. As educators of young Australians who are the leaders of the future, we want to support the development of skills and dispositions that will help them to  achieve harmony across our land.

In Learning Community 1, the children already have a bank of knowledge and understanding of Kaurna language and culture, inspired by our friendship with Kaurna elder Tamaru and his teaching. Because of this, Reconciliation Week has been something that is a natural continuation of their learning, with the experiences we have shared being authentic and meaningful. Even when Tamaru is not present, the children love to speak, sing and communicate in the Kaurna language. It is very common to hear children singing in what, for some, is their third language:

“Nyngkina, Miyana, Nyungkina, Miyana!” – Mingzu and Olivia W.

This simply means, “Boys and girls! Boys and girls!” and is a way of bringing the group together. Yet for the children, it is so much more fun to sing it in the Kaurna language than English! And we know that when learning is fun and interactive, we can concentrate for longer. The children have also become experts at recognising Kaurna symbols that communicate information:

“It means a girl, like me.” – Aanya

“Clapsticks.” – Georgie

“It’s like a caterpillar.” – Mila Z

“It’s a symbol.” – Sofia L.V.

“My honey ant.” – Mila H.

“Tamaru sticks.” – Isla

“Nyunkina miyana.” – Amy

The development of their literacy skills through this process has been phenomenal.

Raising the Aboriginal flag in our ELC garden following the smoking ceremony by Tamaru last Tuesday was exciting, giving our whole School community an opportunity to celebrate the steps we are making towards reconciliation. Throughout the week, we invited children to contemplate the three colours  of yellow, black and red in a variety of contexts. This provided a foundation for the discussion at the end of the week about the flag and what it represents:

“Yellow. It’s a Palti Circle.” – Kary

“The sun.” – Angie

“The black  – it’s the sea.” – Maddie A

“The night. And that can be dark.” – Alessandro

“The scared.” – Edith

“It’s night.” – Sam

“The ground. Yurta.” – Maddie A

Our two and three year old children are a source of joy and inspiration to us in the way they are embracing one of the oldest living cultures on Earth and bringing it with them on their journey into our future. We are so proud of the direction they are choosing to take us.

Mel Angel

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News from the Bell Yett Room

Bell Yett Room

Strength lies in differences, not in similarities

Week 5 in the ELC saw us acknowledge Reconciliation Week. We marked the occasion with a Welcome to Country from our Kaurna elder and friend Tamaru, who led a smoking ceremony and helped us to raise our Australian, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island flags for the first time. We recited our acknowledgement to land and sang our Niina Marni Hello song. The ceremony was an important and moving moment for the ELC and wider School community.

What was a significant week on the Australian calendar felt like any other week for our children who have the values that sit behind reconciliation embedded in their every day. The term reconciliation is a complex one for children of this age, but one that can be learnt. We associate reconciliation with a feeling of belonging and an understanding that we do not need to be the same to belong.

Each day in our Morning Meetings, we have a discussion about how we are feeling. Within these conversations, we have begun talking about our little group that makes up the Bell Yett Room. We talk about it simply and frankly:

  • Do we look the same?
  • Do we have the same family?
  • Do we live on the same street?

…But are we still friends?

  • Mishali likes this, but Walter doesn’t… can they still do something together?
  • Is it okay for Aimee and Liam to like different things?
  • Can they still help each other?

The conversation is simple but meaningful in its consistency. We are practising the “21st century” social skills necessary to participate fairly within a range of groups. We are building:

  • Awareness
  • Acceptance
  • Respect
  • Open mindedness

In our ELC community, we constantly look for opportunities to embrace and celebrate diversity but, most importantly, to develop the understanding that diversity within communities is natural. Diversity is what makes our community unique, our own.

Annabelle Redmond

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Learning Community 2

News from the Ferguson Room

Ferguson Room

Living Reconciliation – Everyday Actions Moving us Forward Together

  • What is reconciliation?
  • What does it mean to us?
  • How does it look at the ELC?

Last week was Reconciliation Week across the country. We entered this week with joy and excitement. Each morning, the ELC community entered Ferguson Park and stood on the Kaurna Yerta (country) sharing the Acknowledgment to Country. These words were written by children from the ELC in 2015, and hold deep meaning and ongoing commitment to enact reconciliation for us every time it is said. We raised our flags on our new flag poles and we welcomed Tamaru to lead a smoking ceremony and Welcome to Country.  These events were special to this week; however, we believe that Reconciliation Week is not just an event, it is something that we are living every day.

What does Living Reconciliation look like?

This term, ‘Living Reconciliation’, was shared by our dear friend and Kaurna elder Tamaru. It demonstrates how we are working continually together in partnership with the Kaurna culture, building our understanding and knowledge as we walk side-by-side.

The children across Learning Community 2 have been actively engaging in many aspects of the Kaurna culture for some time now. We are continually building on our language skills and learning new words that support our learning. This term, we have been re-engaging with Ferguson Park, and this space has become a vehicle for building our language skills as well as deepening our connection to nature. The children have been confident to include the Kaurna language in their explorations and discoveries.

The children in the Ferguson Room are currently in the process of creating an information book about Ferguson Park, and our aim is to include our understandings, knowledge and language of the Kaurna culture. This will become a clear representation of ‘Living Reconciliation’.

We walk side-by-side together every day.

Laura Reiters

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News from the Hallett Room

Hallett Room

Ninna Marni,
We thank the Kaurna people for our land.
We welcome you to play with us at the ELC and Ferguson Park,
sharing the land and the plants.
We will look after everything on the land; the people and the animals.

Last week, the ELC community celebrated Reconciliation Week. This is an opportunity to reflect on our ongoing work towards reconciliation as we walk side-by-side with the Kaurna people, sharing our history, stories and culture. We began each day in Ferguson Park sharing our Acknowledgement to Country. We look forward to this new tradition becoming part of our morning ritual.

Last Tuesday, we welcomed Tamaru, our friend and Kaurna elder. He began the day with a traditional smoking ceremony, burning eucalyptus leaves before blessing all the people present and the flags.

“We haven’t had a flag before.” – Olivia C

“I like the flags. Tamaru will love them.” – Aubrey

“The Kaurna people were actually the first people to live in Adelaide, that is why we have the Aboriginal flag.” – Jessie

“When the Aboriginal people see the flags, they will know that the ELC is a safe place for them to come and play.” – Mia

“When people see the flags, we are showing that we love Australia, the Kaurna people and the Aboriginal people.” – Elijah

We continued the day collaborating in Learning Communities, sharing Kaurna language and Dreaming stories.

Throughout the week, we explored different ways of engaging with the Reconciliation Story, deepening our understanding about our history through empathy and respect. Through role play, mark-making and storytelling, the children shared their feelings and reflections. On Friday, Tamaru joined us for a picnic lunch in Ferguson Park and the children were able to reveal their connections and share the narratives they created of his people and the land.

“The Aboriginals lived on the land. They made a shelter for their home.” – Mathea

“The Aboriginal people are swimming in the water. They are having fun.” – Scarlett

“The house is called a Wodli. It is made from sticks.” – Eloise

“There was an Aboriginal, they were the first on the land. They lived in a Wodli and they swam to get fish to eat. Someone came on the water, the English people. They took the land from the Aboriginal people. The Aboriginal people were so sad. Then one day, they shook hands and said sorry”. – Crystal

Through learning about Aboriginal culture and perspectives, the children are developing values that foster respect and inclusivity in their daily lives.

Nell Tierney and Leanne Williams

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